E-Commerce Catalog Integration Guide
This documentation will detail the specifications of the shopping catalog project to upload your products to dailyhunt system.
It works by exposing certain endpoints which accepts request in certain predefined format, which are then processed for on-boarding.
The vendor should be registered in the system and have been provided with their respective credentials (access token
Adding catalog
- Description: To add catalog under the vendor.
- Endpoint:
POST money.dailyhunt.in/shopping-catalog/v1/catalog/
- Mandatory Fields:
access_token, catalog_name
- Request:{"access_token": "{{access_token}}","catalog_name": "GB"}
- Response:
- Status: 201 Created{"catalog_id": "e42fd718-6fa7-4f84-b3d2-ab2ca287e6c7"}
- Status: 201 Created
Fetching catalog
- Description: To fetch catalog details under the vendor.
- Endpoint:
GET money.dailyhunt.in/shopping-catalog/v1/catalog/{{catalog_id}}
- Mandatory Fields:
- Request:
to be provided as url param - Response:
- Status: 200 OK{"id": "e42fd718-6fa7-4f84-b3d2-ab2ca287e6c7","name": "GB","created_on": 1589905778}
- Status: 200 OK
Adding products to catalog
- Description: To add/update/delete products for catalog under the vendor.
- Endpoint:
POST money.dailyhunt.in/shopping-catalog/v1/catalog/{{catalog_id}}/batch
- Mandatory Fields:
catalog_id, access_token, method, retailer_id
- Request:{{catalog_id}} = e42fd718-6fa7-4f84-b3d2-ab2ca287e6c7{"access_token": "{{access_token}}","item_type": "PRODUCT_ITEM","allow_upsert": false,"requests": [{"method": "CREATE","retailer_id": 1234,"data": {"additional_image_urls": ["url1","url2"],"age_group": "infant","category": "abc","color": "red","gender": "male","gtin": "abc","inventory": 0,"retailer_product_group_id": "123","sale_price_start_date": "date","sale_price_end_date": "date","size": "XL","shipping": [{"country": "US","region": "CA","service": "service","price_value": "10","price_currency": "USD"}],"availability": "in stock","condition": "new","description": "","image_url": "","url": "","name": "Hygenics Plus Tooth Paste Dispenser","price": "100","brand": "Hygenics Plus","currency": "INR","product_type": "Home Improvement","sale_price": "200","pattern": "2_rating","applinks": {"android": [{"url": "","app_name": "","package": "","class": ""}],"iphone": [{"url": "","app_store_id": 123,"app_name": ""}]},"custom_label_2": "0","custom_label_3": "60_nm","custom_label_4": ""}},{"method": "UPDATE","retailer_id": 1234,"data": {"age_group": "newborn","category": "no","color": "red","size": "M","shipping": [],"applinks": {},"availability": "in stock","custom_label_4": "custom level 4 empty to val"}},{"method": "DELETE","retailer_id": 1234}]}
- Response:
- Status: 201 Created{"handles": "6fbf4521-afe1-42f0-ba9c-06fa71940d6f"}
- Status: 201 Created
Fetching status for products added to catalog
- Description: To fetch request details for request fired containing products add/update/delete under the vendor
- Endpoint:
GET money.dailyhunt.in/shopping-catalog/v1/catalog/{{catalog_id}}/batch/status?handler={{handler_id}}
- Mandatory Fields:
catalog_id, handler_id, access_token
- Request:{{catalog_id}} = e42fd718-6fa7-4f84-b3d2-ab2ca287e6c7{{handler_id}} = 6fbf4521-afe1-42f0-ba9c-06fa71940d6f{"access_token": "{{access_token}}"}
- Response:
- Status: 200 OK{"data": [{"status": "Finished","errors_total_count": 0,"errors": []}],"updated_on": 1234}
- Status: 200 OK
Please note
If you have difficulty in any of the above steps of this guide, feel free to contact ads-tech-team@verse.in. We will get back to you as soon as possible.